2008 Annual CES Conference
Sharing Heritages

Call for proposals
Exhibitors, supporters and advertisers
Quebec, May 11 to May 14, 2008
At the Château Frontenac

Our supporters

École nationale d'administration publique
Johnson & Roy
Université Laval
Science Metrix
Évaluation Conseil
GGI Inc.
Cathexis Consulting
Harry Cummings & Associates
Public Safety Canada
Analyse et évaluation des interventions en santé
Centre de santé et de services sociaux de la Vieille-Capitale
International Program for Development Evaluation Training
Sogémap inc.
Malatest and Associates Ltd.
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

(April 18, 2008) Dr. Ross Conner to give the opening keynote address at the 2008 Conference.

April 11, 2008

On behalf of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) and the CES-National Council, I invite you to attend the 2008 CES National Conference in Quebec City May 11th to 14th. The conference chair, Felix Meisels, his conference planning team and other SQEP members have been working hard to ensure that the keynote speakers, presentations and other activities highlight the conference theme Sharing Heritages and provide a venue for interesting discussion, debate and deliberation.

At the conference you will have the opportunity to interact with evaluation colleagues across disciplines, showcase and reflect on your own evaluation heritage and gather new knowledge and practices. As well, this year, to follow the theme Sharing Heritages, the focus on the world evaluation agenda will enable you to hear the views of evaluators working internationally.

For those of you who, like me, love history, what better place for our 2008 national conference than Quebec City? It allows us to join in the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Quebec City through planned social events such as the historical walking tour and the cruise on the St. Lawrence and also through serendipitous walks on the Plains of Abraham and the Promenade.

Please consider this your personal invitation to attend the conference. CES-Council invites you to the Welcome Reception on Sunday evening where you will have the opportunity to meet with old and new friends and buy something at the Silent Auction hosted by the Canadian Evaluation Society Educational Fund (CESEF). Council also hosts the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday where we will honour several individuals for their leadership, knowledge and dedication in the evaluation field. As well, Council would also like to invite you to attend the session on the Professional Designation Project CES undertook over a year ago. You will be able to hear first hand what has been accomplished and where we intend go.

Come meet with us in Quebec City – I know the conference will be thought-provoking and enriching!

Frankie Jordan
Canadian Evaluation Society


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