2008 Annual CES Conference
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Professional development workshops

A World Tour of Evaluation (07) [EN]

Jean Serge Quesnel, United Nations System Staff College, USA

May 11, 2008, 9:00am - 12:00pm - Intermediate - 25 seats

The workshop will project a panoramic view of evaluation at the international level. It will present a historical retrospective and the current situation of evaluation in various parts of the world. The workshop will present the main issues, challenges and on-going initiatives to foster the use and relevance of evaluation as practiced in different environment. Participants will also be briefed on the status of evaluation professionalisation at the global, regional and national levels, and on resulting implications resulting on professional recognition and evaluation practice. Fundamental architectures of evaluation systems will discuss. The four architectures are those adopted by governments, international financial institutions, civil society and the United Nations. This will enable participants to better understand the environment in which they evolve. And be able to intervene more strategically. For those interested in international work, the workshop will provide a quick understanding of singularities and challenges.


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