Congrès annuel 2008 de la SCÉ
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Ateliers de formation

Evaluation Planning: a Participatory Approach to the Logic Model and Evaluation Matrix (14) [EN]

Harry Cummings, University of Guelph

11 mai 2008, 13 h 00 - 19 h 00 - Introduction - 25 places

With the importance given by Federal and Provincial Governments to evaluation, it is important that we plan our evaluations systematically and thoroughly. The success of the evaluation depends to a large extent on the planning.

This workshop aims to revisit the fundamentals of developing an evaluation plan and will look at the key ingredients to make an evaluation a success. The workshop is designed to be a full-day. The first half of the workshop will look at developing the evaluation framework, which will include tips on developing or fine tuning the log frame / logic model and developing an evaluation matrix. During this session, evaluation issues and the common evaluation questions will be discussed. The second half of the workshop will give an overview of possible evaluation designs and approaches and what methods are appropriate within the given time, context and budget to conduct an evaluation.

Case studies, simulations and discussions will be used as part of the methodology to deliver the workshop. Practical experiences from Canada and overseas will be shared for discussion. Participants will have a hands-on opportunity to develop an evaluation framework. Templates will be provided as part of the workshop material for future reference. The workshop is very relevant in today's context and is applicable in diverse practice contexts across sectors. A participatory approach is emphasized.


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