Congrès annuel 2008 de la SCÉ
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Understanding Cost-effectiveness in Health Economic Evaluations (16) [EN]

Pedro Paulo Magalhães Chrispim, National Public Health School, Brazil

11 mai 2008, 13 h 00 - 19 h 00 - Introduction - 12 places

Cost-effectiveness analysis is a problematic method that many health professionals do not understand sufficiently. On the one hand, we have health professionals' ethical concerns that a price not be place on a life or that a low-cost treatment be chosen when the outcome may be inferior. On the other hand, health resources are limited and we need to deal with the fact that we cannot always afford the option that provides the best outcome. To make efficient use of available resources we perform health economic evaluations like cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit or cost-utility. The proposal of this workshop is to deconstruct, simulate and report a cost-effectiveness analysis from the beginning, in order to understand its components, advantages and limitations for Public Health professionals. The first task is to deconstruct a cost-effectiveness analysis, analyzing its component parts. The second task is to re-design the study, trying to point out where and how the components (or the data) could be different and how the results would be affected by the re-design. The third task is design a cost-effectiveness analysis from the beginning, identifying the users, objectives, data needs and sources, and limitations. The fourth and last task is to construct the report of the study, highlighting the methodology, applicability, limitations and most importantly results for the final users.


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